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Nouvelle parution : The Global Handbook of Media Accountability

À paraître : Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein et Matthias Karmasin (ed.) The Global Handbook of Media Accountability (Routledge, 2021).

Dans cet ouvrage collectif, une contribution de César Castellvi, Maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris, chercheur associé du CRJ : Japan: corporate accountability first ( p. 418-426)

 Media industry in Japan is one of the most powerful worldwide, yet media accountability remains restricted. As the profession is not institutionalized as such, most Media Accountability Instruments originate from media organizations rather than journalists themselves. Fear of increasing state regulation during the 1990s, major news organizations developed internal self-regulatory mechanisms. The chapter demonstrates that self-regulation leads to a mainstreaming of committees tasked with reflecting upon the accountability issues in print media and to setting up of an independent regulatory body for broadcasters. However, much of the practices under fire in the 1990s remain fundamentally unchanged and the criticism of the media persists.

ISBN 9780367346287
Décembre 2021
632 Pages 
DOI: 10.4324/9780429326943-48

Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique

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Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique