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« Technology in Asia » Call for Proposals

The fourth workshop in the AAS “Emerging Fields in Asian Studies” initiative was launched on October 17-18, 2019 with a planning meeting at the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences(EHESS), Paris. The theme for this cycle of the initiative is “Technology in Asia,” and the co-conveners of the planning meeting were Aleksandra Kobiljski (EHESS) and Francesca Bray (University of Edinburgh).

“Technology in Asia” seeks to highlight the richness and diversity of current research on technology in Asia and its contribution to the field of Asian Studies. A focus on technology, interfacing with themes including techno-science, biotech, environmental technology, and medical technologies, brings together emerging trends in the fields of history, sociology, and anthropology of technology, as well as in Science, Technology, and Society (STS). Asia is emerging in technology studies, and technology is emerging in Asian Studies; the workshop’s goal is to build bridges and open new sight lines on both sides.

The Call for Proposals for the “Technology in Asia” workshop is now available. All proposals must be submitted by Monday, February 14, 2022. The workshop will be held online, hosted by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University, May 13-15, 2022. READ FULL CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique

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Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique