The Ashio Affair: the Emergence of Industrial Pollution as a Social, Political and Environmental Issue (19th-20th centuries) : nouvelle publication de Cyrian Pitteloud
Nouvelle parution : Fujihara Tatsushi (ed.) Handbook of Environmental History in Japan (publication simultanée : Japan Documents / Amsterdam University Press, 2023)
Dans cet ouvrage, une contribution de Cyrian Pitteloud (CRJ-CCJ/Université de Lille) : « The Ashio Affair: the Emergence of Industrial Pollution as a Social, Political and Environmental Issue (19th-20th centuries) », pp. 53-69
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Yasuko D'Hulst (22 mai 2023). The Ashio Affair: the Emergence of Industrial Pollution as a Social, Political and Environmental Issue (19th-20th centuries) : nouvelle publication de Cyrian Pitteloud. Carnets du Centre Japon. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse