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International workshop “Making Japanese Religions: People, Texts, and Techniques”, 31 mai 2024

Journée d’étude internationale consacrée au thème “Making Japanese Religions: People, Texts, and Techniques”, organisée par Matthias Hayek (EPHE-PSL), le 31 mai 2024.

Elle réunira plusieurs spécialistes européens des religions japonaises autour de Fabio Rambelli, directeur d’études invité à l’EPHE-PSL.

Avec une communication de Mary Picone (EHESS).

Vendredi 31 mai 2024
Collège de France, place Marcellin Berthelot, salle 1

Si vous souhaitez assister à cette journée, merci de contacter l’organisateur :

9:00-9:20: Welcoming of participants
9:20-30: Opening by Matthias Hayek & Fabio Rambelli

First Session: Rituals and ceremonies

Chai : Martin Nogueira Ramos (EFEO)
9:30-10:00 Mark Teuween (U. Olso), “What can (and can’t) saimon ritual texts tell us about festivals? The case of the Hanamatsuri in Oku Mikawa”
10:00-10:30: Fabio Rambelli (U. of California-Santa Barbara), “”Creating the Ceremonial Soundscape in Medieval Japan: Gagaku Musicians and the Ritual Aspects of Performances”

10:30-10:45: Coffee break

Chair: Matthias Hayek (EPHE-PSL)
10:45-11:15: Anna Andreeva (U. Ghent), “Designing the childbirth ritual programs in medieval Japan”
11:15-11:45 : Carina Roth (U. Genève), “Asymmetric time: Keisei’s conversations with the Great Tengu of Mount Hira”
11:45-12:15 : Discussion

12 :15-14:00 : Lunch break

Second Session: Religious technologies

Chair: Vincent Goossaert (EPHE-PSL)
14:00-14 :30: Matthias Hayek (EPHE-PSL) : “Practical aspects in the selection of auspicious days: Using and Reading the Hoki naiden in the 17th century”

14:30-15:00: Ellen Van Goethem (Kyushu U.): “The Hands that Built a Temple: Construction Workers in Eighth Century Japan”

15:00-15:15: Coffee break

Third Session: Objects of pilgrimage

Chair: Jean-Michel Butel (INALCO)
15:15-15:45: Mary Picone (EHESS) “ Reinventing jigoku meguri: Contemporary Three Dimensional Doctrinal Attractions or High Concept Amusement Parks” 

15:45-16:15: Charlotte Lamotte (U. Grenoble-Alpes), “Buddhist statues and cultual objects in a Japanese pilgrimage town: the case of Sasaguri’s 88 sacredplaces”

16:15-17:00: Discussion

Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique

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Yasuko D'Hulst (21 mai 2024). International workshop “Making Japanese Religions: People, Texts, and Techniques”, 31 mai 2024. Carnets du Centre Japon. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique