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International Workshop: Cartography in Transition in Modern & Contemporary East Asia (18th-21st centuries)


Le Centre de recherches sur le Japon a le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue de la deuxième de deux journées d’étude sur la cartographie en Asie orientale le 2 novembre 2016. La première journée s’est tenue en mars 2016.

Mercredi 2 novembre 2016 de 10h à 18h
EHESS, salle 640, 6e étage, 190, avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Contact :


Noémi Godefroy (CEJ/CRJ) & Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CRJ/IKGF, Erlangen)


Fabian Schäfer (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)



Patrick Beillevaire (Centre de Recherches sur le Japon – UMR 8173 CHINE-CORÉE-JAPON): Cassini in Ryūkyū: Introduction and application of the triangulation method for the mapping of Okinawa Island, 1737-1750


Elke Papelitzky (University of Salzburg): Changes in the representation of the Philippines in Chinese and Japanese maps of the 18th and 19th century


Noémi Godefroy (Centre d’Études Japonaises – INALCO/ Centre de Recherches sur le Japon – UMR 8173 CHINE-CORÉE-JAPON): From Ezo to Hokkaidō – “Connected geographies” & the Japanese mapping of the Ainu lands (18th-19th centuries)


Radu Leca (International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden): Maps and Maritime Expansion in Nineteenth-Century Japan


Sophie Buhnik (Centre de recherche sur les réseaux, l’industrie et l’aménagement (CRIA)/ UMR Géographie-cités): Mapping a “society of rising inequalities” and its territories – Towards a renewed critical geography of Japan?


The publication earlier this year of the seminal work Cartographic Japan, which saw the participation of many eminent historians, materializes an ongoing trend towards a greater recognition of cartography as a “window on particular moments of (…) history” (Wigen 2016 : 2). In fact, cartography and map-making are inextricably linked to the geopolitical, cultural, economic and social context of a given place, at a given time.

During the first Centre CHINE-CORÉE-JAPON (CCJ) workshop in March 2016, the deciphering of pre-modern and early modern East Asian maps brought to light their representation of the organization of space in terms of cosmographical concepts rather than its topographic reality. In this sense, these maps materialized a seemingly inward-bound, domestic, and erudite reading of the world, which required specific tools and knowledge to understand them.

From the end of the 18th century, in the advent of an increasingly global society, East Asian cartography reflects a more outward-bound approach, as maps had to be read, drawn up, and understood by an increasing variety of people, from individual explorers to competing powers. Thus, maps now sought to represent topographical elements, borders, networks, maritime space, sovereignty, resources, and demographics.

The aim of this workshop is to analyse, in a longue durée perspective, the evolutions in East Asia cartography in terms of cartographic contents, methods, means, and ends.

Program – abstracts (pdf)

Poster (pdf)




Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique

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Yasuko D'Hulst (19 octobre 2016). International Workshop: Cartography in Transition in Modern & Contemporary East Asia (18th-21st centuries). Carnets du Centre Japon. Consulté le 20 février 2025 à l’adresse

Yasuko D'Hulst

Ingénieure d'études, Chargée de valorisation scientifique