Japan and Its margins: Okinawa, Hokkaidō, Taiwan and Korea
Atelier d’étude organisé à l’occasion de la venue en France du Professeure Uchida Jun (Université de Stanford, professeure invitée à l’EHESS en juin 2018), le 12 juin 2018.
Mardi 12 juin 2018, 14h-16h
EHESS, salle A07-51 (7e étage), 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris (à confirmer)
This session is dedicated to discussion of a working draft of Chapter 2 for the new edition of The Cambridge History of Japan, Volume III: The Modern Japanese Nation and Empire (1876-2011), edited by Laura Hein. I am co-authoring this chapter with Prof. Asano Toyomi of Waseda University. This chapter examines Japan’s dual transformation into a modern nation-state and an empire, or a “nation-empire” (kokumin teikoku), from the late nineteenth century to end of the Asia-Pacific War. Departing from convention to treat Okinawa and Hokkaidō separately from colonial Taiwan and Korea, it examines all four territories within a unified analytical framework. Its central concern is to identify and highlight the common logic, ideologies, and practices that governed the acquisition and administration of these territories. By tracing the process of national integration (kokumin tōgō) from the metropole to its peripheries (commonly understood in terms of naichi enchō), the chapter aims to elucidate Japan’s co-production of nation and empire, a process quite distinct from the trajectory of Western powers. Yet rather than treating Japan as “an anomaly,” the essay traces its evolution as part of the global formation of empires, while raising key issues of comparative significance, from assimilation and collaboration to “colonial modernization.”
For a copy of the paper, please write to: crj@ehess.fr
Contact: aleksandra.kobiljski@ehess.fr
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Yasuko D'Hulst (7 juin 2018). Japan and Its margins: Okinawa, Hokkaidō, Taiwan and Korea. Carnets du Centre Japon. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m9x3